Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Prayers Please (2nd Post)

Ricky and I would really appreciate your prayers for Elijah! He has had a tummy ache for the last 5 days(so bad that he won't stand up to walk but instead crouches over).  He spiked a fever of 104 at school on Monday.  He has been to the doctor twice with no clear reason for his symptoms.  They have not ruled out appendicitis but don't really feel like that is what it is (he doesn't wince when his tummy is pushed).  When we went today, the doctor prescribed a tummy relaxer given to patients with ulcers.  We are praying that this will help and he will feel 100% better soon!!! 

I know this is sad but I couldn't help taking a picture. . .he felt so bad that he fell asleep playing the DS! 


Our sweet Kyle is just now starting to say more words.  He has said Dada and E-la-la(Elijah) for what seems like forever! He has added duckie, hi, Mama, and several other words somewhere along the way.  But, the other night, this little boy absolutely stole my heart! I was rocking him to sleep (something that I LOVE and didn't get to do with Elijah).  Some nights this takes less than 5 minutes and then other nights this takes MUCH longer.  This particular night was one of those MUCH, MUCH longer nights.  I have to be honest, I was started to get frustrated thinking about all I had to do before the next day! I finally decided I would have to just cradle Kyle in my arms and make him lay down.  So, I did! This usually makes him upset but not this night! Nope, he looked at me and said "ishes".  It took me a minute to realize what he was saying/wanting.  He said KISSES!!! I was so tickled and he knew it(he is definitely a charmer).  He proceeded to say it over and over again for about 5 minutes! And of course, I enjoyed EVERYONE of those "ishes"!!! 

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The New Do (2nd Post)

Ricky gets to stay home with Kyle on Wednesdays.  He brought Kyle and Elijah up to see me right after school today! This was my surprise:


Before-Side. . .bad picture but to attempt to show the curls(which had been trimmed once before)


I think I am still in shock that all the curls are gone! He looks adorable. . .and so grown up! It is a bitter sweet moment for me! :) 

Can you believe that Ricky and I have a fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired baby?? haha!

Mother's Day Tea

Elijah goes to pre-school at Polk Street UMC.  This is his second year both at the school and with his wonderful teacher, Miss Heather. The class hosted Mother's Day Tea last Thursday.  Here are a couple of pics from the event.  

This was my place setting! Too cute! :) Elijah even informed me that I had boogers in my nose in the picture he drew! haha

The entire class singing We Love You Mommy! Aren't they all so adorable in their I love Mommy tees?!?!

Elijah and I! They came out of the room to greet us with a gift of this BEAUTIFUL crown(that wouldn't stay on my head) and a GORGEOUS diamond ring! :) 

For Mothers Day we celebrated by going to lunch and spending the day as a family.  Sadly though, I managed to take NO pictures of the day! :(