Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The New Do (2nd Post)

Ricky gets to stay home with Kyle on Wednesdays.  He brought Kyle and Elijah up to see me right after school today! This was my surprise:


Before-Side. . .bad picture but to attempt to show the curls(which had been trimmed once before)


I think I am still in shock that all the curls are gone! He looks adorable. . .and so grown up! It is a bitter sweet moment for me! :) 

Can you believe that Ricky and I have a fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde haired baby?? haha!


amy wright said...

He's so cute. I love his new do!

Becky Dietz said...

They change so much w/ those haircuts! And NO!! I can't believe he's so fair skinned and has blue eyes!!

Stef said...

My precious baby boy!!! I love you baby Kyle!

domineivimus said...

crazy. he looked like a hippy before ya'll cut the curls off. I liked it though. I'm sure my mom was having a hard time fixing it huh. She isn't a fan of long hair. Oh well, it's not her child.